Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Secrets of making your children millionaires at Age 21.
Research shows that parents are the best teachers for their children. Your children requires a measure of financial education if the formal typical education you are spending so much on will not be useless in the long run. It is increasingly becoming clearer that the type of education our children are receiving is grossly out of tune with the financial realities of today. If we must drop the garment of poverty that has so much become second skin, we must begin to teach our children about wealth acquisitions and its management. Research shows that our children’s best chance of becoming millionaires is through owing his or her business and building it to a successful level. Do you know you can determine that your child will be struggling for money at 21 or will be in control of money? You can by following these simple rules:
Rule 1:
Teach your child about money from at least age three by making a small box for him to save part of the money given to him by anybody.
Rule 2:
Try and open a bank savings account for him or her with the money he has contributed by himself, then you may or you may not add to it (money).
Rule 3:
Buy shares you realize from his naming ceremony and birthday parties to hand over to him or her when he or she is 21 years old. (At least N15, 000 worth of shares)
Rule 4:
Teach him or her how to write and stick to a budget from age ten .
Rule 5:
Teach the child about stocks and shares at age thirteen
Rule 6:
Teach the child about real estate at age fifteen.
Rule 7:
Teach the child about business at age sixteen and seventeen and let him set up a small business at age eighteen.
It is quite disheartening that an average Nigerian feeds on less that a dollar per day yet most does want theirs to suffer the same thing they are suffering, while not change and think about how to make your children better off not only by sending them to school, but by teaching what it takes to be rich.
When I was in the north, there was a boy that worked in my office, one day, he said he wants to sell his shares, lo and behold; the boy has the right to become an executive director in Wema Bank by the virtue of his value and the volume of his shares. I got into discussion with this young man and I quickly realized that his Dad had started buying shares for him when he was twenty three old.
To be more practical now, let’s take a look at Emmanuel’s parents who bought First bank’s share for him when he was five years old from the money realized from birthday party organized for him at that age.

How Emmanuel’s Parents turned him a Millionaire at 21.
Emmanuel’s parents (Not real name) bought N20, 000 worth of First Bank’s shares for him in 1992 the rate of N2. This indicates that Emmanuel started with 10,000 units of First Bank’s shares in 1992. This calculation excludes dividends which is an extra benefit.
By virtue of how the stock has grown in the stock market, Emmanuel now has a total share of 429,130 multiplied by the price of First Bank shares at September 7, 2006 which is N41, 10K, the total of Emanuel’s worth is N17,637,243 the total dividends Emmanuel collected throughout the fifteen years is over one million naira. Therefore Emmanuel became N17 million richer in life by just N20, 000 invested for him by his parents and Emmanuel is just twenty years old.
Why not be wise and invest for your children today in the stock market. Be money wise.

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